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About us

Panel Station is a diverse community of over 1.5 million consumers from world’s fastest growing economies – India, Brasil, Russia, China, Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, Indonesia, Turkey, Philippines, Poland, South Korea, Taiwan, Chile, Nigeria, New Zealand, Colombia, Australia, Singapore and Thailand â€“ who share their opinions on products & services that impact their lives.

As a member your opinions on consumer goods, technology, healthcare, travel, and finance help global brands build better products and create better experiences.

Opions matter
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Membership to panel station is by invitation only. All members undergo strict verification checks during recruitment and are constantly monitored for genuine responses. Honest responses ensure timely redemption.

Your opinions earn you reward points that can be redeemed for gift vouchers, coupons, and products as per your choice. As a member you need minimum 3000 points to redeem points.




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